Sunday, November 27, 2016

In All Fairness...

The amount of support that we have received as we embark on this journey called foster care has been overwhelming. We are filled with such joy and anticipation as we look forward to what God is planning to do in our lives and in our family. Y'all, I'm more excited for this than for Christmas!

And while we have not had anyone overtly say that they are concerned about us taking this step, I have heard this a few times: "It's just not fair. There are families that get their kids taken away because of [insert situation here], and then there are families like yours who deserve to have kids, but can't. It's just not fair."

That word deserve makes me cringe now. Because what do any of us really deserve, if we take a good long hard look at the mirror? These sentiments are genuinely meant to be sympathetic, and I do not want to discredit them. I will admit that in the early stages of my grief over our infertility, I have felt many of these things, often accompanied by anger and bitterness, shaking my fists at God, and asking Him, "Why??"

But you guys, in all is not fair...

I know...groundbreaking truth right there, huh?

I'm sure we could all list countless things that have happened to us that just aren't fair, couldn't we? For me to type them all out would probably break the internet. But that's not the life that we have been called to. We have not been called to keep tallies, and to make sure that everything is fair and square for everyone. Don't even get me started on participation trophies...

I think that in times where we are questioning fairness, especially when it comes to heartbreaking things like families being torn apart, we would be wise to look to the Cross.

Because guess what?

The Cross wasn't fair.

Christ came down from heaven. He lived a perfect sinless life. He taught and lived out the Word of God. He brought healing, and love, and joy to those around Him.

And yet...He went to the Cross.

He went to the cross to die a criminal's death. A gruesome death that none of us could ever imagine enduring. All so that we, the sinners, could know God, and experience His Truth in ways that we couldn't have without that Cross -- without that sacrifice.

Y'all. THAT is what is not fair. It was not fair that Christ was the sacrifice for my ugly stained life. It was not fair that my perfect Savior God came and went through all of that to redeem my blemished soul.


But oh, am I so grateful for that Cross. Oh, am I so grateful that He has redeemed me from the pit.

As I look forward to this journey, my outlook has changed from that's just not fair, to I cannot believe that God is allowing us to do this...

He is allowing us, and giving us this privilege to love on His children while their families are trying to heal and get back on track.

He is allowing us to pray life and hope and restoration into broken families, in order that they might encounter His redemption.

He is allowing us to minister to children and mothers and fathers in ways that they maybe never could experience otherwise.

He is giving us the opportunity to see broken lives as just that--broken--and to see them without judgment or condemnation.

He is giving us the opportunity to press into His Spirit more closely, and learn to live on complete reliance on Him.

And through all of that, our family may grow through adoption. Or we may just be vessels that He is wanting to use to bring healing to families. And either way, as long as we are living in His will and following the path that He's laid out for us, the journey is going to be so so sweet. I can't wait, y'all. It's gonna be awesome.

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