Thursday, November 10, 2016

When Things Look Different...

Motherhood. It's something that has been ingrained into my soul for as long as I can remember. I was that little girl with a baby doll in tote everywhere I went. I remember going to work with my dad in the summer, and taking the doll, her blankets, all her bottles, diapers, and every other play baby item we had, and mothering the heck out of that doll. Or spending time at my grandparents' house with our family, begging my Mamaw to let me take the doll outside for a walk. Because, you know, babies need fresh air. Duh. Alas, I didn't have a driver's license, so she wouldn't let me go...come see me after class for the rest of that story...

Serving in the nursery at church...babysitting any chance I got...always being the first to hold the new baby at friends' house...

Being a mother has been such a deeply rooted part of me for as long as I can remember. And so after Matt and I got married, naturally, my mind went immediately to babies. How many we would have, when we would start our family, what the names would be...a big thank you to my cousin for stealing my baby name...;) Just kiddinggggggg...

So about a year or so after we got married, we decided to stop taking birth control. Now, for those of you who know our story, and know that I was a budding 18 years old at marriage, you know that this means that at age 19, I was "trying" to have a baby. And while that probably seems bonkers to you (and now to me looking back as well), that was where my heart was, because, MOTHERHOOD, y'all! It is a part of who I am!

 So as you can imagine, being suddenly lumped into the statistic of the 6% of married women in the US who suffer from infertility came as quite a shock. I'm sure that Matt was also shocked learning that the chances of us having a child naturally were slim-to-none. But I'm not sure that it hit down to the very core of his being, as it did for me.

You guys, infertility is a real thing, and it is a painful thing to walk through. And more people around you are suffering with it than you would ever imagine. Because it is just not something that we talk about. It's not something that we are proud of. It's shameful in a way, and the enemy uses this disease to lie to us that we are not blessed if we suffer with this, because "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him." (Ps 127:3)

And so if the Bible says that children are a gift and a reward, then wouldn't it be safe to agree with the enemy's lies that if you are not given this gift, it is because you don't deserve this? Because you are not worthy of a reward from Him?

Now look, I am not condoning these agreements. These agreements bring death to our spirits, but I'm just being real with y'all. These feelings are undeniable. These are things that your friends around you are struggling with, but you would never even know it.

But you know what is awesome about our God? He takes what the devil whispers to us, and He turns it around. And He declares that "He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children." (Ps 113:9)

I have received much hope from this and other verses that say the same thing. But as I study, it has become clear: God's Word does not say that "the barren woman will become pregnant." It says that the barren woman will be a mother of children. Interesting when you look at that subtle detail, huh?

Now, don't get me wrong. I fully believe and know that God is capable of healing this, and bringing life to my womb. He's done it in other women before, and He can do it again, for me. And He might still. But in the past 8 years, He has not. For reasons that He does not require us to know. The only thing He requires of us is that we trust Him and believe His Word. And so I do. I believe Him when He tells me that I will be a happy mother of children.

These days there are a lot of ways that a woman can become a mother. But right out of the gate, God made it abundantly clear to us that medicine was not the way that He was building our family. And so after getting our initial fertility testing done, we did not take things farther with more tests, procedures, medications, etc. Because to do so would be disobedient, first of all, not to mention a waste of time and money, knowing that God has not called us to that.

So I did what any other normal OCD woman would do, and I researched. I researched the crap out of adopting from the private sector and from overseas. For years I attempted to wrap my mind around it. And I hit roadblocks and mental hurdles that I just could not seem to get over. The entire process to me was completely overwhelming.

We have friends who have adopted, both privately, and from overseas. Friends who could point out the pathways for us, and show us how to start and get through that journey. But it was profoundly clear to my soul that this wasn't His plan for us either.

And so we waited. And waited. And waited.....

Enter Nineteen:Ten Church...

Being planted into this family has been one of the best things that has ever happened to us. Through this House, we have built relationships with people who will be lifelong friends. Through this House, we have found freedom from bondage. And through this House, we were introduced to the foster care system. A system that is teeming with the need for the people of the Church to step in and be the hands and feet of Jesus to these kids.

And so it is with great excitement that we would like to announce that late this summer, God definitively revealed to us that He will be building our family through the foster-to-adopt system.

Matt and I would love for you to join us in prayer as we prepare for all that God has set apart for us on this journey. Right now, we are preparing our home as best as we can. The first "official" step for us to take is to go through the licensing classes, which we are set to do with our church family in February. There will be a lot of hurdles to jump, and hoops we will have to go through. It is a process that, to some, may look and feel overwhelming. But you know what's awesome? To the degree that I was overwhelmed with researching other adoption methods, God has given me that much peace about this, and a deeply rooted knowledge that we can handle this.

I want you guys to know that we truly appreciate all the support and excitement that we have received from our families and friends, and look forward to starting this journey.

**If you would like to know more about the foster care system, and all ways that you can get involved, this Sunday, 11/13/16, at 1pm at Nineteen:Ten Church we are holding an information meeting that we would love for you to be a part of. To RSVP simply email


  1. Oh, Carrie!!! I'm thrilled for you and Matt! God is gracious, loving, and kind. He is already working in this situation and you both have decided to join him. I can't wait!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much!!! We are definitely excited!! :)

  2. Wow carrie. Thanks for sharing your journey. You will be great parents when the one who's meant to be loved comes into your life. So excited for you on this new path in life! -love pearl
